This is just Wordle for your Twitch chat, available in ðŸ‡¬ðŸ‡§, 🇪🇸 and ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡·

Suggest words with !word

The first word suggested will be tested and the rest will be ignored until next round, so be fast!


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Hi Pello! 

I think the idea for Chatle, is really cool and exactly what I've been looking for! However, I can't figure out how I would add it to my stream or even if I for sure want to, since I also can't figure out how to test it on here. So if possible let me know if maybe I'm missing something or doing something wrong.

 :D Thanks 

Hey, I’m glad that you found it interesting. The setup is quite simple, you just need to write your channel name and the language. The game will connect to Twitch chat to your channel. Once you start it, you can share the screen on your stream. Any chat comment that starts with ! will be passed to the game, but only if it’s a right word (existing in the dictionary and 5 chars length).